12. Functions of Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal - Subin Acharya

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

12. Functions of Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal

Functions of The (Federal/Central) Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens of Nepal:

This is the 13th Post on Function of Executive Government of Nepal Series and 12th ministry of which functions has been listed in Both English and Nepali Language for your reference. 

The Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens is the central agency of the Government of Nepal for working towards the rights of Women, Children and Senior Citizens of Nepal. There are 12 functions listed in the Government of Nepal (Work Division) Regulation 2074 as per Article 82 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal  for this Ministry which is given below:

1. Policies, laws and standards on women's rights and empowerment; (१. महिला हक एवं सशक्तिकरणसम्बन्धी नीति, कानून र मापदण्ड;  )

2. Intercountry adopted Sons and Daughters; (२. अन्तरदेशीय धर्मपुत्र, धर्मपुत्री;  )

3. Controlling violence against women, human trafficking and trafficking; (३. महिला हिंसा, मानव बेचबिखन तथा ओसारपसार नियन्त्रण;  )

4. relating to senior citizens, children and persons with disabilities; (४. जेष्ठ नागरिक, बालबालिका र अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिसम्बन्धी;  )

5. Study, research on women's empowerment and gender equality; (५. महिला सशक्तिकरण तथा लैङ्गिक समानताका विषयमा अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान;  )

6. Preventive and restorative policies, laws and standards related to gender-based violence; (६. लैङ्गिक हिंसासम्बन्धी निरोधात्मक र पुनर्स्थापनासम्बन्धी नीति, कानून र मापदण्ड,  )

7. Policies, laws, and standards related to children, child welfare, rescue, rehabilitation, and nursing homes; (७.  बालबालिका, बालकल्याण, उद्धार, पुनर्स्थापना र बृद्धाश्रमसम्बन्धी नीति, कानून, र मापदण्ड;  )

8. policies, laws, standards, regulation and monitoring of NGOs; (८. गैरसरकारी संस्थासम्बन्धी नीति, कानून, मापदण्ड, नियमन र अनुगमन; )

9. National Commission for Women; (९. राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोग;  )

10. Social Welfare Council; (१०. समाज कल्याण परिषद् ;  )

11. Treaties, agreements, conventions, contacts and coordination with national international organizations related to the Ministry; (११. मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संघसंस्थासँग सन्धि, सम्झौता, अभिसन्धि, सम्पर्क र समन्वय;  )

12. Operation and regulation of public institutions, authorities, committees, foundations, companies etc. related to the ministry. (१२. मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी सार्वजनिक संस्थान, प्राधिकरण, समिति, प्रतिष्ठान, कम्पनी आदिको सञ्चालन र नियमन ।  )


नेपाल सरकार (कार्य विभाजन) नियमावली, २०७४


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