13. Functions of Ministry of Youth and Sports (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal - Subin Acharya

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

13. Functions of Ministry of Youth and Sports (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal

 Functions of The (Federal/Central) Ministry of Youth and Sports of Nepal:

This is the 14th Post on Function of Executive Government of Nepal Series and 13th ministry of which functions has been listed in Both English and Nepali Language for your reference. 

The Ministry of Youth and Sports is the central agency of the Government of Nepal for developing the Youths and Sports Sector of Nepal. There are 9 functions listed in the Government of Nepal (Work Division) Regulation 2074 as per Article 82 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal  for this Ministry which is given below:

1. Policies, laws, standards and regulations relating to youth, sport and scouting; (१. युवा, खेलकुद र स्काउटसम्बन्धी नीति, कानून, मापदण्ड र नियमन;  )

2. Regulation and coordination of national level sports organizations, (२. राष्ट्रियस्तरका खेलकुद संघसंस्थाको नियमन र समन्वय,  )

3. Sports development and promotion at national, regional and international levels; (३. राष्ट्रिय, प्रादेशिक र अन्तर्राष्ट्रियस्तरमा खेलकुद विकास र प्रवर्द्धन;  )

4. Organizing and participating in national, provincial and international sports competitions; (४. राष्ट्रिय, प्रादेशिक र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता आयोजना र सहभागिता;  )

5. Youth Awakening and Development; (५. युवा जागरण तथा विकास;  )

6. National Sports Council; (६. राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद परिषद्;  )

7. Youth Self Employment Fund; (७. युवा स्वरोजगार कोष;  )

8. Treaties, agreements, conventions, contacts and coordination with national international organizations related to the Ministry; (८. मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संघसंस्थासँग सन्धि, सम्झौता, अभिसन्धि, सम्पर्क र समन्वय; )

9. Operation and regulation of public institutions, authorities, committees, foundations, companies etc. related to the ministry. (९. मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी सार्वजनिक संस्थान, प्राधिकरण, समिति, प्रतिष्ठान, कम्पनी आदिको सञ्चालन र नियमन । )


नेपाल सरकार (कार्य विभाजन) नियमावली, २०७४

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