5. Functions of Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of Nepal (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal - Subin Acharya

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

5. Functions of Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of Nepal (Executive Branch, Federal Government) of Nepal

This is the 6th Post on Function of Executive Government of Nepal Series and 5th ministry of which functions has been listed in Both English and Nepali Language for your reference. 

The Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs is the central agency of the Government of Nepal for drafting laws and making legal reforms in line with the spirit of the Rule of Law. There are 32 functions listed in the Government of Nepal (Work Division) Regulation 2074 as per Article 82 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal  for this Ministry which is given below:

1. Formulation of drafts of, and clearance on, Federal Bills, Ordinances, Rules,Formation Orders, Directives and Manuals to be issued by the Government of Nepal; ( सङ्घीय विधेयक, अध्यादेश, नियम, आदेश तथा नेपाल सरकारबाट जारी हुने निर्देशिका, कार्यविधिको तर्जुमा तथा सहमति; ) 

2.  Introduction of Bills in the Federal Parliament, withdrawal of Bills, assent on Bills passed by the Federal Parliament; ( सङ्घीय संसदमा विधेयक प्रस्तुत, फिर्ता, पारित विधेयकको प्रमाणीकरण; ) 

3.  Government and Private Member Bills; ( सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी विधेयक; ) 

4.  Certification of public documents; ( सार्वजनिक लिखत प्रमाणीकरण; ) 

5.  Liaison Ministry with the Supreme Court, Judicial Council, Judicial Service Commission, High Courts, District Courts and specialized courts constituted under the Federal law and judicial bodies; ( सर्वोच्च अदालत, न्याय परिषद्, न्याय सेवा आयोग, उच्च अदालत, जिल्ला अदालत तथा सङ्घीय कानूनअन्तर्गत गठित विशिष्टीकृत अदालत, न्यायिक निकायको सम्पर्क निकाय; ) 

6.  Legal opinion and advice; ( कानूनी राय तथा परामर्श; ) 

7.  Editing of notifications to be published in the Nepal Gazette; ( नेपाल राजपत्रमा प्रकाशन हुने सूचनाको सम्पादन; ) 

8.  Withdrawal, compromise and defence of the state cases and the cases over which the Government of Nepal has a concern; ( नेपाल सरकार वादी हुने मुद्दा तथा नेपाल सरकारलाई सरोकार पर्ने मुद्दा फिर्ता, मिलापत्र तथा प्रतिरक्षा; ) 

9.  Signature to, ratification of, accession to, acceptance of, and approval of, treaties, agreements, memorandum of understanding, acquisition of membership of international and intergovernmental organizations, international legal obligations and opinion on the vision to be undertaken at international conferences and negotiations on international legal issues; ( सन्धि, सम्झौता, समझदारीको अनुमोदन, हस्ताक्षर, सम्मीलन, स्वीकृति वा समर्थन, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय र अन्तरसरकारी संस्थाको सदस्यता प्राप्ति, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानूनी दायित्व र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन र वार्तामा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानूनको विषयमा अपनाउनुपर्ने दृष्टिकोणमा परामर्श; ) 

10.  International legal disputes; ( अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानूनी विवाद; ) 

11.  Study and research relating to national justice system, administration of justice and international law; ( राष्ट्रिय न्याय प्रणाली, न्याय प्रशासन तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानूनसम्बन्धी अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान; ) 

12.  Drafting of, and opinions on, international contracts and other instruments; ( अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय करार तथा अन्य लिखतको मस्यौदा र सोसम्बन्धी परामर्श; ) 

13.  Mutual legal assistance; ( पारस्परिक कानूनी सहायता; ) 

14.  Government’s assurances and parliamentary strictures; ( सरकारी आश्‍वासन तथा सङ्कल्प प्रस्ताव; ) 

15.  Drafting, research and review of criminal and civil law; ( फौजदारी तथा देवानी कानून निर्माण, अनुसन्धान तथा पुनरावलोकन; ) 

16.  Publication And distribution of federal laws; ( सङ्घीय कानूनको प्रकाशन तथा वितरण; ) 

17.  Drafting of model laws for the states and local levels and coordination to that effect; ( प्रदेश र स्थानीय तहको लागि नमुना कानूनको मस्यौदा र समन्वय; ) 

18.  Human rights and humanitarian law; ( मानव अधिकार र मानवीय कानून; ) 

19.  Access to justice and free legal aid, alternative dispute resolution,mediation; ( न्यायमा पहुँच र निःशुल्क कानूनी सहायता, विवाद समाधानका वैकल्पिक उपाय, मेलमिलाप; ) 

20.  Bar Council; ( कानून व्यवसायी परिषद्; ) 

21.  Notary Public and Notary Public Council; ( नोटरी पब्लिक तथा नोटरी पब्लिक परिषद्; ) 

22.  Translation of laws, legal instruments and treaties as required by the Government of Nepal; ( नेपाल सरकारलाई आवश्यक पर्ने कानून तथा कानूनी लिखत र सन्धिको अनुवाद; ) 

23.  Central archives of the treaties to which Nepal is a party; ( नेपाल पक्ष भएका सन्धिको केन्द्रीय अभिलेखीकरण; ) 

24.  Unification and codification of laws; ( कानूनको एकीकरण र संहिताकरण; ) 

25.  Publication of international treaties and agreements; ( अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि तथा सम्झौताको प्रकाशन; ) 

26.  Conduct of business of, and liaison with, the Federal Parliament; ( सङ्घीय संसद कार्य सञ्‍चालन तथा सम्पर्क; ) 

27.  Nepal Law Commission, National Judicial Academy, Judicial Probe Commission; ( नेपाल कानून आयोग, राष्ट्रिय न्यायिक प्रतिष्ठान, न्यायिक जाँचबुझ आयोग; ) 

28.  Truth and Reconciliation Commission; ( सत्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोग; ) 

29.  Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons; ( वेपत्ता पारिएका व्यक्तिको छानबिन आयोग; ) 

30.  Treaty, agreement, convention, contact and coordination with National and International organizations relating to this Ministry; ( मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संघसंस्थासँग सन्धि, सम्झौता, अभिसन्धि, सम्पर्क र समन्वय; ) 

31.  Operation and regulation of state corporation, board, academy, etc., relating to this Ministry; ( मन्त्रालयसम्बन्धी सार्वजनिक संस्थान, समिति, प्रतिष्ठान आदिको सञ्‍चालन र नियमन; ) 

32.  Operation of Judicial Group and Law Group of the Nepal Judicial Service. ( मन्त्रालयको विषयक्षेत्रसँग सम्बन्धित सेवा, समूह र उपसमूहको सञ्‍चालन । ) 


नेपाल सरकार (कार्य विभाजन) नियमावली, २०७४

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