Brief Outline of Answer to Question 1 of 1st Paper of Joint Secretary Question asked in 2079/09/05 - Subin Acharya

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Brief Outline of Answer to Question 1 of 1st Paper of Joint Secretary Question asked in 2079/09/05

 1. How to Make an Innovative State:

In case of Nepal, we lack on both hardware and software infrastructures. Policy level enabling and conducive environment is lacking too. Why? Because polices focus just on creating a regulatory environment but the perspective of a creator or an innovator is not weighed in. If you earn, you pay tax. If not, good luck for the support of government.

Nepal is losing it's own workaround techniques (Juggad) as well after the flood of new technologies easily available from China and other nations.

In Global Innovation index, Nepal stands at 111 among 132 countries.

While the individual creators and some software companies have cracked the code of being useful and resourceful to foreign countries; the need of wave of practical innovation in government, governance and the governance partners is required to be great at innovation.

Some of the key strategies that governments and policy makers can consider include:

a. Investing in education and research: A well-educated workforce and strong research infrastructure are essential for innovation. Governments can invest in education at all levels, from primary and secondary schools to universities and research institutions, to ensure that citizens have the skills and knowledge needed to drive innovation.

b. Supporting entrepreneurship and small businesses: Small businesses and startups are often at the forefront of innovation, as they are more agile and able to take risks. Governments can support entrepreneurship through initiatives such as grants, tax breaks, and business incubators.

c. Encouraging collaboration and partnerships: Innovation often occurs when different sectors, disciplines, and organizations work together and share ideas. Governments can facilitate collaboration by supporting partnerships between industry, academia, and government agencies.

d. Promoting a culture of innovation: A culture of innovation is one in which people are encouraged to think creatively and take risks. Governments can promote this culture through initiatives such as hackathons, innovation competitions, and mentorship programs.

e. Creating an enabling regulatory environment: A regulatory environment that is conducive to innovation can help businesses and individuals bring new ideas to market more quickly and easily. Governments can review and update their regulations to ensure that they are not unnecessarily burdensome or restrictive.

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