Daily News and Article Published in Nepal, Key Takeaways and Learnings December 5, 2022 2079/08/19 - Subin Acharya

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Monday, December 5, 2022

Daily News and Article Published in Nepal, Key Takeaways and Learnings December 5, 2022 2079/08/19

 19 Mangsir 2079, Dec 5, 2022

Ok, I will make a daily roundup of news and opinions of today and my understanding from it.

Articles Read:

  1. Hung Parliament: Constitution in Risk by Baburam Bishwakarma, Published 2079/08/19 in Nayapatrika

            à¤¤्रिशंकु संसद् : जोखिममा संविधान

My Key takeaways:

  • No parties or their alliance scored a clear majority and no party has declared to sit in the opposition bench in the parliament. This is due to the power greed of these parties. They will do whatever it takes to be on the ruling side.

  • This has been evident after the dissolution of the Constitution of 2047 on the 4 elections that no single party will be in the majority.

  • This election system has risked the nation's next political insurgency. No stable government is seen in the last 39 years after 2047 B.S.

  • Suggestion: to adopt full representative election or direct elect (FPTP) and remove the hung parliament disease that has been plaguing us since 2047 B.S.

  1. This is how Nepal will get Prosperous by Milan Pandey Published 2079/08/16 in Nayapatrika

            à¤¯à¤¸à¤°ी धनी बन्नेछ नेपाल

My Key Takeaways:

  • The 70-70 rule in Israel by PM Naftali Bennett was a great success which was about working on 70% issues raised by 70% of the general public with the common consensus of the coalition government. Nepal also needs to build consensus among all major parties for issues of national interests and daily interest like easy transport, quality education, price hike control, quality and cheap health services, peace and security.

  • Nepal has a dire scarcity of team work among political parties and working with people of different ideologies. What we need is the common goal of Economic Prosperity and all political parties with common consensus working towards it.

  • For Economic Prosperity of Nepal, Writer suggest 3 major roles for state, society and citizens:

  1. Identification of National Resource (State):

  • Make the priority of making citizens, states and institutions stronger and stable.

  • Boost the morale of Bureaucracy.

  • Identify core national resources.

  • Build a national capital formation and development plan and make it a national priority. For Nepal such sectors are Agriculture, Tourism, Water Resource and Human Capital (Physical and Intellectual.

  1. Creation and Promotion of Entrepreneurship in the Society (Society):

  • State and society should focus on promoting entrepreneurship.

  • Government should be clear about its functions and end goals.

  • Government should facilitate and make an enabling environment to promote the development of the nation.

  1. Aspiration of being Effective and Result Oriented (Citizen):

  • The State has to create a facilitating environment for citizens which fosters the creativeness, effectiveness of the citizens.

  • Build skills to increase efficiency, to become result oriented citizens and institutions. Invest in yourself to build skills. Create a culture of helping others in the process as well.

  • For economic prosperity social justice should go hand in hand. For social and political stability inequality should be ended. There is a huge economic cost to such inequality as studied by City Group in the US.

  • Citizens expect quality education, health services and employment as per their qualification. This is the prosperity expected by citizens. For this above mentioned role of citizens, society and state has to be fulfilled with utmost sincerity.

3. Squatter Settlements seeking Coordination and Sensitivity by Srinkhala       Khatiwada Published 2079/08/18 in Ekantipur

समन्वय र संवेदनशीलता खोज्दै सुकुम्बासी बस्तीहरू

My Key Takeaways:

  • Squatter Settlement is not new in the world, it is the major problem of every rising city including Kathmandu.

  • There is a need for proper identification of landless and squatters from the government side and their alternative settlement or restoration. Agenda of proper dispute settlement, multilateral negotiations and preventing new encroachment is the need of today.

  • Proper coordination and rational-sensitive decision-making is needed from the state side, as the squatter settlements have become deeply rooted with political, economic and psychological entrenchment. Long term solution to this problem is to be identified, even though it can take a long time. It is not enough to look at them with only black and white eyes of legal and social aspects.

4. Pictures of Stranded Documents in Keshar Mahal Published 2079/08/19 in Ekantipur

केशरमहलमा अलपत्र सरकारी कागजात [फाेटाेफिचर]

My Key Takeaways:

  • Shows our dismal condition of lack of managing history and official documents, there is no system of record management, knowledge transfer and learnings from history and preventing our previous mistakes from happening again. It’s truly disheartening to see this picture.

5. Tourist flow has increased in Nepal after Long time.

6. Protest in Bangabagar in Darchula after the Indian Side unilaterally constructed an embankment along the Mahakali river. Role of Nepal Government is yet to see to solve such border issues.

7. 76% females to be elected on state through proportionate method of representation, only 14 elected from first past the post method.

8. Nepal’s 1st Flyover to be made in Gwarko, Lalitpur.

9. Seasonal Flu Increased after COVID and Dengue epidemic slowed down.

10. South Korea spent 2 Billion dollars to increase its fertility rate. Required rate 2.1, current rate 0.79

Disclaimer: This post is created to summarise the key takeaway of the articles published on various major newspapers of Nepal. This is not the direct copy of the source material but an effort to distil the crux of such articles. Original Sources are attached for the reference.

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