Questions asked by TU MPA 1st Year Private Yearly PA 520 Development Administration from 2066 to 2075. - Subin Acharya

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Questions asked by TU MPA 1st Year Private Yearly PA 520 Development Administration from 2066 to 2075.

These are my personal collection of Questions asked in Development Administration, Yearly Private Students in (PA520) . If you want any assistance in the answers of these questions, Please feel free to ask in the comment box for answers.

2066 1 Discuss the meaning and concept of development administration. Is it a panacea for solving the problem of developing countries like ours? 25

2066 2 Explain the changing prespectives of developing administration. Also state Rigg's contribution to the study of comparative and development administration. 25

2066 3 Discuss the resource mobilization status in development plan in Nepal. 25

2066 4 How do you underline the scope of NGO-Government partnership in development in Nepal? Discuss. 12.5

2066 5 Bureau-pathalogy is believed as one of the major hurdles for furthering development process. Do you agree? 12.5

2066 6 How Weberian Model of Authority contributes to understand an efficient administration system? Elucidate. 12.5

2066 7 How the concept of Nation Building and social change help to understand the theory of development administration? Discuss. 12.5

2066 8 How Management Information System help in managing development program? 12.5

2066 9 What do you understand by political system capability and its importance to develop the country? 12.5

2067 1 Discuss the concept of Development Management. How do you assess the suitable development approach for developing countries like Nepal? 25

2067 2 What do you understand by Public Private Partnership (PPP)? give in account of the status and is challenges of PPP in Nepal. 25

2067 3 Explain the role of comparative administration. How Comparative Administration Group's role was helping in propagating the theory of comparative administration? 25

2067 4 Why organizations should be institutionalized how environment could support for building a viable institution? 12.5

2067 5 Migration problem often affect the development process in the developing countries. How can such problems be covercomed? Give answer with reference to Nepal. 12.5

2067 6 Discuss the major focus of the current development plan and its major challanges to implement in Nepal 12.5

2067 7 Discuss the scope of E-governance to strengthen the development management in Nepal. 12.5

2067 8 Gender issue is considered as one of the key development management in Nepal. How this problem has been addressed in Nepal? 12.5

2067 9 What is human resource development? How do you underline the importance of training for civil servants? 12.5

2067 (II) 1 What do you understand by  development administration? Examine the changing prespective of development administration in since it began to receive wide attention in development administration since it began to receive wide attention in developing nations. 25

2067 (II) 2 "Political system capabilitiy is basic to the modernisation of the policy." Examine the basic essentials of political system capibility on the  basis of this statement. 25

2067 (II) 3 Define administrative culture? State its importance and also analyse the administrative barriers to nation building. 25

2067 (II) 4 How do you  examine the significance of decentralization for development decision making and its implementation? 12.5

2067 (II) 5 Examine the importance of mobilization of resources for development. 12.5

2067 (II) 6 State the potential benefits of the use of infomation a communications technology (ICT) for improving governance for development and change. 12.5

2067 (II) 7 What are the major issues of conception in countries like ours? 12.5

2067 (II) 8 Examine, briefly the major consequences of rural-urban migration. 12.5

2067 (II) 9 What are the basic issues that need consideration in understanding socio-cultural dimension of development? Explain. 12.5

2068 (Old) 1 Discuss the relavance of the concept of development administration in present development scenario. 25

2068 (Old) 2 State briefly the approach of comparative pubic administration and elaborate its relationship with Weberian modern of bureaucracy. 25

2068 (Old) 3 What are the major attributes of the theory of prismatic society? Also, discuss about the major criticism levelled against this theory. 25

2068 (Old) 4 State briefly the types of political system's capabalities and explain its benefits to national development. 12.5

2068 (Old) 5 Why the concept of Institutional Building and social change are revisiting in development paradigm. Justify. 12.5

2068 (Old) 6 What types of leaders can be successful in the present style of development management? Present your answer in the context of liberalization and democratization of a state, 12.5

2068 (Old) 7 What are the priorities fixed in the current development plan of Nepal? Will they be acheived in the present scenario in Nepal. 12.5

2068 (Old) 8 What is gender and development? What are the planning programmes for gender development in Nepal. Discuss. 12.5

2068 (Old) 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2068 (Old) a Legal rational society and ideal bureaucracy 6.25

2068 (Old) b Role of Population in Development 6.25

2068 (Old) c Modernization of Bureaucracy through administrate. 6.25

2068 1 Define Development Administration. What are the important factors that influence the evolution of the concept of development administration? 25

2068 2 What is Institutional building? State the importance of institution building for development. 25

2068 3 What do you understand by development management? Examine public private partnerships as an important keys to implementing development management policies. 25

2068 4 What are merits of people's participation and why? 12.5

2068 5 How do you examine the role of public administration in social change? Explain. 12.5

2068 6 Show your acquaintance with the importance of training needs identification. 12.5

2068 7 Examine the basic essentials of administrative reform.   

2068 8 State the measures to support effective inclusiveness in development. 12.5

2068 9 What is political system capability? Explain the factors that affec the level of political system capability. 12.5

2069 (Old) 1 Define development Administration and state its importance or social change and nation building. 25

2069 (Old) 2 Describe briefly the role of Comparative Public Administration Group in the development of Modern Public Administration. 25

2069 (Old) 3 Critically assess the theory of prismatic society modelled by F. W Riggs and show whether it is relevant in the contemporary world. 25

2069 (Old) 4 Establish a relationship between decentralisation and people's participation. How these can support for sustainable developement. 12.5

2069 (Old) 5 Assess briefly the history of administrative reform in Nepal. Are these reforms successful in Nepal? 12.5

2069 (Old) 6 Identify the types of resources available in Nepal's development and state how the crunch of resources be overcome. 12.5

2069 (Old) 7 What is the difference between human resource developement and human resource management? Is Nepal's human resource poorly developed or poorly managed? 12.5

2069 (Old) 8 What are the basic issue of gender balance? How gender be mainstreamed for developement? 12.5

2069 (Old) 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2069 (Old) a Critique of development administration

2069 (Old) b Causes of bureaucratic frustation in Nepal.

2069 (Old) c Recent population policy of Nepal.

2069 1 Describe the major events that influenced the emergence of the concept of Development Administration and also identify the basic themes of development management. 25

2069 2 What do you understand by social change? Describe the role of public administration in social change? Describe the role of public administration in social change. 25

2069 3 What, in your opinion, are the basic essences of decentralisation? Explain and also suggest guidlines for effective decentralization. 25

2069 4 How do you examine the role of governmnet and NGOs in a partnership? Describe. 12.5

2069 5 What, in your opinion, are the important considerations in developing the capabilities of the political system? Explain. 12.5

2069 6 Describe the political barriers to nation building. 12.5

2069 7 Show your acquaintance with the value of human resource development in the context of competitive environment. 12.5

2069 8 How do you relate administrative culture with the performance of the administrative system? Explain. 12.5

2069 9 What in your opinion, are the basic considerations regarding empowerment of the community for development? Describe. 12.5

2070 (Old) 1 Critically analyse the concept of development administration and justify its relevance in Nepalese development context. 25

2070 (Old) 2 Why are the approaches of social change and nation building being carried on in Nepalese developement plans and programmes? Discuss. 25

2070 (Old) 3 "Despite the major criticisms levelled against Weberian model of bureaucracy. It has not lost its relevance in developing countries like Nepal" How and Why? 25

2070 (Old) 4 State briefly the Riggsain theory of prismatic society ad justify its importance in the cntemporary society. 12.5

2070 (Old) 5 How political system capabilities are built? Is the present scenario of Nepal suffer from the absence of systems capabilities? Explain. 12.5

2070 (Old) 6 Differentiate between organisations and institutions and indicate how organisations can be developed as institutions. 12.5

2070 (Old) 7 Who are leaders and how can they motivate people in overall management? 12.5

2070 (Old) 8 State briefly the status of population in Nepaland indicate its effect on development. 12.5

2070 (Old) 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2070 (Old) a Challanges in the current five year-plan in Nepal. 6.25

2070 (Old) b Gender Development 6.25

2070 (Old) c Issues in Management Information System. 6.25

2070 1 Discuss the major features of "Exogenous" and "Endogenous" development and show their relevance for a develping countries like Nepal. 25

2070 2 "Why do the organisations needs to be instutionalized"? Discuss the various linkages of their institution. 25

2070 3 What is the relevance of Government - NGO partnership? Discuss the role of NGOs in local planning process. 25

2070 4 Discuss the role of Comparative Public Administration Group (CAG) for building theory of Public Administration. 12.5

2070 5 What is Development Management? Discuss its relevance. 12.5

2070 6 Discuss the issue of internal displacement of the people in Nepal onward 1990s. 12.5

2070 7 Does E-governance an  useful tool to strengthen development management? Discuss. 12.5

2070 8 What is inclusive Development? Discuss. 12.5

2070 9 Plan help to develop good project and the projects helps to formulate good plan. Do you agree. Discuss. 12.5

2071 1 Examine the concept and evolution of development of administration. 25

2071 2 Discuss the importance of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the development and assess its usefulness in Nepal's PPP practices. 25

2071 3 What is plan cycle? Discuss the major the major challenges of plan implementation in Nepal. 25

2071 4 Describe the strategy of Human Resource Development in Nepal. 12.5

2071 5 Discuss the major approaches of Nation Building. 12.5

2071 6 Why political system capability is important in development management? Discuss. 12.5

2071 7 Assess the Poverty reduction efforts in line with the millennum development goals (MDGs) in Nepal. 12.5

2071 8 Discuss the essence of decentralization in a developing country like Nepal. 12.5

2071 9 Examine the concept of Administrative Culture. 12.5

2072 1 What do you mean by Development Administration? Describe the major changes in the field of Development Administration particularly after the period when its intellectual foundation was laid down in the early 1950s. 25

2072 2 "The performance of the polity is basic to see the place of its modernisation which results from an increasing level of its capabilities". Explain the basic foundations and importance of political system capability in line with the statement. 25

2072 3 What, in your opinion , are the basic essence of people's participitation/ Explain and also state the barriers to effective participation. 25

2072 4 Describe the principles for sucessful public private partnership. 12.5

2072 5 What are the important internal variables of an institution? Explain. 12.5

2072 6 Show your acquaintance with the value of resource mobilization in the development. 12.5

2072 7 How do you examine the problems and prospects of the use of ICTs in the public sector governance? Describe. 12.5

2072 8 "Administrative reform is basic to strengthen administrative capability." Explain. 12.5

2072 9 What, in your opinion, are the underlying issues of ethics in promoting ethical conduct and building trust in public institutions? Describe. 12.5

2073(BACK) 1 What is development? Explain its dimension explicitly. 25

2073(BACK) 2 What is bureaucracy? Examine the application of Weberian Bureaucratic Model at present context. 25

2073(BACK) 3 What is Institutional building? How does institution building model realize the fruit of development in practice? Justify. 25

2073(BACK) 4 What is Comparative Public Administration (CPA) essential to study Public Administration? Give Reasons. 12.5

2073(BACK) 5 What is Social Change? Explain its influential factors. 12.5

2073(BACK) 6 What is migration? Discuss the relationship between migration and development arguements. 12.5

2073(BACK) 7 What is e-governance? How e-governance speed up development? Explain. 12.5

2073(BACK) 8 What is inclusion? Why is it necessary for development? Describe. 12.5

2073(BACK) 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2073(BACK) a Plan Implementation 6.25

2073(BACK) b NGO-GO partnership 6.25

2073(BACK) c barrier of Nation-building 6.25

2073 1 What is development management? Why is development administration shifted into development management? Explain with reasons. 25

2073 2 What is people participation? How does people's participations contribute to development? Explain. 25

2073 3 What is administrative reform? Why is it necessary for development? Justify. 25

2073 4 How does public administration change the society? Give reasons. 12.5

2073 5 What is bureaucracy? Explain its features. 12.5

2073 6 How does population policy influence the pace of development? Explain. 12.5

2073 7 What is training? Why training need identification is important? Explain. 12.5

2073 8 What is Corruption? Why is it evil for development? Explain. 12.5

2073 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2073 a Development plan 6.25

2073 b Poverty 6.25

2073 c Political system Capability 6.25

2074 1 What is Development Management? Explain how development management is shifted from development administration. 25

2074 2 How does bureaucracy play significant role for the sake of national development? Discuss its role with example. 25

2074 3 What is social Change?  Discuss responsible factors for social-change. 25

2074 4 Why does people participation approach adopted for grassroots development? 12.5

2074 5 What are the roles of Comparative Public Administration (CPA) for administrative reforms? 12.5

2074 6 Do you beleive political system capability is good enough for development? Narrate your arguements. 12.5

2074 7 What is migration? Discuss its pattern. 12.5

2074 8 What is Gender? Explain cross-cutting issues of gender for development. 12.5

2074 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2074 a Prismatic Sala Model 6.25

2074 b Frustation 6.25

2074 c Population Policy 6.25

2075 1 What is development administration? Explain its paradigm shift into development management. 25

2075 2 How does instiutional-building (IB) matter for the national development? Discuss. 25

2075 3 Why decentralization is considered critical for the local governanc? Elucidate with example. 25

2075 4 Differentiate between nation-building and state building. Also explain the barrier of nation building. 12.5

2075 5 Why is planning necessary? Explain its merit and demerit observed in development management. 12.5

2075 6 Wha are the roles of Comparative Public Administration (CPA) for administrative reform. 12.5

2075 7 What is administrative culture? Explain its dimensions as prescribed by Hopstede and Hopstede? 12.5

2075 8 How does corruption undermine development? Explain briefly. 12.5

2075 9 Write short Notes (any two) 12.5

2075 a Political system Capability 6.25

2075 b E-governance 6.25

2075 c Poverty reduction 6.25

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