Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 620 Global Governance from 2067 to 2077. - Subin Acharya

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Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 620 Global Governance from 2067 to 2077.

These are my personal collection of Questions asked in Global Governance, of 2nd Year of Yearly Private Students in (PA620) . If you want any assistance in the answers of these questions, Please feel free to ask in the comment box for answers.

 2067 1 What are theoritical framework of 'Global Governance'? Discuss. 25

2067 2 Write about the major institutional role of the UNO as an apparatus for Global Governance. 25

2067 3 What are the major features of global governance? 12.5

2067 4 What is the role of WTO in global governance? 12.5

2067 5 SAARC is also said as poor-men's club. Do you agree? 12.5

2067 6 Discuss Nepal's role in global governance. 12.5

2068 1 What is global governance? Discuss its key elements. 25

2068 2 What is the role of nation states in the pursuance of global governance? 25

2068 3 Write about the role of global governance in the context of globalised context? 12.5

2068 4 What are the major acheivement and challanges of SAARC? 12.5

2068 5 Write about the role of IMF for the improvement of global governance? 12.5

2068 6 What are the pertinent issue to handle global peace and security? 12.5

2069 1 Discuss the concept of Global Governance and how is it related to Dependency and World System Theory. 25

2069 2 Critically, evaluate the role of the United Nation in the present global context. 25

2069 3 Justify how global governance is needed to protect and promote human right. 12.5

2069 4 Point out the role of WTO in the context of Global Governance. 12.5

2069 5 What are the reasons of establishment of SAARC? How far is it sucessful to meet its objectives? 12.5

2069 6 What is International Terrorism? Point out the measures adopted by the international community to combat it. 12.5

2070 1 What do you mean by Global Governance? Discuss its major challanges in present context. 25

2069 2 Wht the restriciting of United Nations is needed? How is it related to Regional Organisation? 25

2069 3 Global governance is needed in promoting Human Development. Justify. 12.5

2070 4 What do you mean by Religions Fundamentaism? What threat is it posing before international community? 12.5

2070 5 Point out the challanges of SAARC in 21st century. 12.5

2070 6 Evaluate the role of ADB for improving governance in Nepal. 12.5

2071 1 What do you mean by 'global governance'? Critically examine the basic tenets of realism and liberalism in present context. 25

2071 2 Because of different constraints, SAARC has not been able to acheive its stipulated objective.' Justify you answer and give your suggestions to develop it a full - fledged regional organisation in South Asia. 25

2071 3 The Security Council has been entrusted to maintain international peace and security since the establishment of the United Nations'. Elucidate. 12.5

2071 4 What are the institutional apparatuses to deal with the issues of environment in global governance? Discuss. 12.5

2071 5 Explain the roles of International Monetary Fund in maintaining economic and monetary stability in the world. 12.5

2071 6 Controlling crime and communicable diseases have appeared as the new issues of global governance. Explain this statement with suitable examples. 12.5

2072 1 What is meant by global governance? How are the is use of human rights governed in global governance? 25

2072 2 How do you evaluate the acheivements of the United Nations? Explain its prominent and emerging challange in the present globalized world. 25

2072 3 What are the major ideas of Neo- Marxist Theories? Explain. 12.5

2072 4 Sovereign states play key roles in global governance. Do you agree? Explain. 12.5

2072 5 Are you satisfied with the acheivement of SAARC so far? Justify your answer. 12.5

2072 6 Explain the future challanges of Global Governance. 12.5

2073 1 "How do you define global governance? Why is global governance necessary in the present globalized world?

" 25

2073 2 Discuss the major apparatus in deal with issues of human in rights in global governance? 25

2073 3 Describe the major tenets of realist theory. Are they relevant in the present world scenerio? 12.5

2073 4 "What is multilateralism? Briefly describe principles of multilaterals with suitable examples.

" 12.5

2073 5 How far SAARC has been to acheive its objective? What do you suggest to develop it as a vibrant regional organisations in the regions? Discuss. 12.5

2073 6 Why has religious a fundamentalism appeared as one of the security threats of the world? What are the negative impacts in interational community? Discuss with examples. 12.5

2074 1 What is global governance? Show your acquaintance with its major features. 25

2074 2 What are institutional meachanisms to promote human development and well beings of people across the world? 25

2074 3 Critically examine the basic ideas of Neo Marxism in the present world. 12.5

2074 4 Discuss the major assumptions of state system. Are such assumptions relevant to present globalised world. 12.5

2074 5 How do you examine the acheivements of SAARC? What are major challanges to develop as a full fledged regional organisations in South Asia? 12.5

2074 6 Describe the major features of trans boundary organised crime. Why is trans boundary organised crime considered a great threat to global governance. 12.5

2075 1 What is global governance? Discuss its nature. 25

2075 2 Describe the role of major apparatus within the UN System that deal with the issues of human rights in the world? 25

2075 3 What are the major premises of realist theory? Are they relevant in the present globalised world? 12.5

2075 4 How do you examine the roles of sovereign states in global goverance? Discuss. 12.5

2075 5 Is it generally observed that SAARC has not been able to acheive its stipulated objectives. Do you agree? Give your arguements. 12.5

2075 6 Why has organised crime emerged as one of the threats to the international community? Briefly describe with examples. 12.5

2076 1 What do your mean by Global Governance? Describe its major features. 25

2076 2 What do you examine the roles of institutional mechanisms within the UN system to promote human development across the world? 25

2076 3 Critically examine the major tenets of constructivist theory of global governance. 12.5

2076 4 What roles does the World Bank play for eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in developing countries in the world? Discuss. 12.5

2076 5 How do you assess the achievements of SAARC? In your opinion, what are the major constraints to achieve its stipulated objectives? 12.5

2076 6 Differenciate between international terrorism and transnational organized crime. Why are they considered a great threat to the entire world? 12.5

2077 1 How do you conceptualize the term global governance? Critically examine the fundamental ideas of realist and liberal theories of global governance in the present world scenario. 25

2077 2 To deal with the issues associated with the global human development governance, what appratuses are within the United Nations system and at the regional level what roles do they play? Discuss. 25

2077 3 "What is multilateralism? Briefly describe principles of multilaterals with suitable examples.

" 12.5

2077 4 How does the International Monetary Fund maintain financial and monetary stability in the world? Discuss. 12.5

2077 5 How do you examine the acheivements of SAARC? What are major challanges to develop as a full fledged regional organisations in South Asia? 12.5

2077 6 What are the major threats of international terrorism and religious fundamentalism? 12.5

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