Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 650 Administration System in Nepal from 2067 to 2077. - Subin Acharya

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Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 650 Administration System in Nepal from 2067 to 2077.

 These are my personal collection of Questions asked in Administrative System in Nepal, of 2nd Year of Yearly Private Students in (PA650) . If you want any assistance in the answers of these questions, Please feel free to ask in the comment box for answers.

2067 1 Write about the administrative reform effort in Nepal.

2067 2 Critically examine the administrative system during Shah regime.

2067 3 Write about Lichhavi Administrative System at local level.

2067 4 Discuss the present central administrative system in Nepal.

2067 5 Write on Rana's central administrative setting.

2067 6 Discuss the role of employees union in present administrative system in Nepal.

2069 1 Discuss the administrative system of Malla period and compare it with Lichhaavi Period.

2069 2 What are the apparatus of sub-national level administration in Nepal?

2069 3 Write on Kirat administration in Nepal.

2069 4 What do you understand by Tharghar system? Does it have any relevance?

2069 5 Why we need reservation in civil service in Nepal. Discuss.

2069 6 What was the Rana Local Administrative system?

2070 1 What are the salient feature of Rana Administration? Is there any contribution of Rana Period of Administrative system of the present system?

2070 2 Discuss about the roles and responsibilities of regional and local administration system in Nepal.

2070 3 How are constitutional bodies managed in Nepal. Explain.

2070 4 How are local bodies interrelated functionally to each other in Nepal? Describe.

2070 5 What is governance reform? What is its impact in Nepalese Administration?

2070 6 Identify the recent trends in Nepalese administration.

2070 (Old) 1 What were the basic feature of administrative system of Lichhavi Period of Nepal? Were there any similarities between Lichhavi and Malla Administration?

2070 (Old) 2 What were the departing point of administrative from Rana period of administration to modern system of administrative after 1951?

2070 (Old) 3 Why local governments were weakened during Shah period?

2070 (Old) 4 How line ministries and departments are interconnected in the present context? Explain.

2070 (Old) 5 What is the importance of regional administration in Nepalese context? Are regional administrative bodies functions with its original spirits?

2070 (Old) 6 Critically examine the role of Employees union in Civil Services in Nepal.

2068 (Old) Discuss the role of Regional Administrative units for working as sub-national administrative entities.

2068 (Old) 1 What are major focuses of administrative changes onwards 1990s in Nepal? Discuss.

2069 2 What are the bases of administrative structures and their role in Lichhavi period? Discuss.

2069 3 Discuss the major strengths and weakness central local administrative relations in Nepal.

2069 4 What is the essence of affirmative discrimination policy for the recruitment of employees in Nepal? Discuss.

2069 5 Discuss the key role of constitutional bodies in Nepal.

2069 6 Critically examine the administrative system in Rana Period.

2069 1 Discuss the key issues of the implementation of administrative reform initiatives in Nepal onward 1951.

2070 2 What are the present challanges of the employees working at local level in Nepal.

2070 3 What is administrative culture? Highlight some of the feature of administrative culture in Nepalese administration.

2070 4 Critically examine the role of Employees union in Civil Services in Nepal.

2070 5 Discuss the role and importance of Regional Administrative units of Nepal.

2070 6 "Discuss the key issues of the implementation of administrative reform initiatives in Nepal onward 1951.


2070 1 What are the bases of administrative structures and their role in Lichhavi period? Discuss.

2071 2 What are the major focuses of administrative changes onwards 1990s in Nepal. Discuss.

2071 3 Discuss the key issues of central local administrative related in Nepal.

2071 4 What is the essence of affirmative discrimination policy for the recruitment of employees in Nepal? Discuss.

2071 5 Discuss the major challanges of administrative system in Nepal.

2077 1 Describe the Kirat Administrative System.

2077 2 Why is administrative reform is needed? Why most of the recommendations of the administrative reform commissions could not be implemented? Elaborate.

2077 3 Why Lichhavi period was considered a golden era of that period?

2077 4 Describe the administrative reforms made during the Shah Administration Periods.

2077 5 Highlight on Emerging issues and trends of current administrative system in Nepal.

2077 6 Write short notes on any two:

2077 a Election Commission

2077 b Constitutional Council

2077 c Public Service Commission

2076 1 Examine the functions of administrative structures during Lichhavi Period.

2076 2 Discuss the key issues of the implementation of administrative reform initiatives in Nepal onward 1951.

2076 3 What the major foucs of administrative changes onward 1990s in Nepal? Discuss.

2076 4 Discuss the key issues of central- local administrative relations in Nepal.

2076 5 What is the essence of affirmative discrimination policy for the recruitment of employees in Nepal? Discuss.

2076 6 Discuss the major challanges of administrative system in Nepal.

2075 1 Discuss the key issues of the implementation of adminstrative reform initatives in Nepal onward 1951.

2075 2 What are the bases of administrative structures and their role in Rana Period? Discuss.

2075 3 Discuss the role of central level admnistrative organization in Nepal.

2075 4 What is administrative culture? Highlight some of the feature of administrative culture in Nepalese administration.

2075 5 Critically examine the role of Employees union in Civil Services in Nepal.

2075 6 Discuss the role of Sub-national administrative system in Nepal.

2074 1 Discuss the key issues of the implementation of administrative reform intitatives in Nepal onward 1951.

2074 2 What are the bases of administrative structures and their roles in Lichhavi Period? Discuss.

2074 3 What are the major focuses of administrative changes onwards 1990s in Nepal. Discuss.

2074 4 Discuss the key issues of cental local administratives relations in Nepal.

2074 5 What is the essense of affairmative discrimination policy for the recruitment of employees in Nepal? Discuss.

2074 6 Discuss the major challanges of administrative system in Nepal.

2073 1 What were the basic feature of administrative system of Lichhavi Period of Nepal? Were there any similarities between Lichhavi and Malla Administration?

2073 2 What were the departing point of administrative from Rana period of administration to modern system of administrative after 1951?

2073 3 Why local governments were weakened during Shah period?

2073 4 How line ministries and departments are interconnected in the present context? Explain.

2073 5 What is the importance of regional administration in Nepalese context? Are regional administrative bodies functions with its original spirits?

2073 6 What are the major contributing factors of administrative reform of 1992?

2072 1 What are major focuses of administrative changes onwards 1990s in Nepal? Discuss.

2072 2 What are the bases of administrative structures and their roles in Lichhavi Period? Discuss.

2072 3 Discuss the major strengths and weakness central local administrative relations in Nepal.

2072 4 What is the essence of affirmative discrimination policy for the recruitment of employees in Nepal? Discuss.

2072 5 Discuss the key role of constitutional bodies in Nepal.

2072 6 Discuss the present Human resource development policy to enhance the administrative capability in Nepal.

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