Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 660 Public Enterprise Management from 2067 to 2075. - Subin Acharya

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Questions asked by TU MPA 2nd Year Private Yearly PA 660 Public Enterprise Management from 2067 to 2075.

 These are my personal collection of Questions asked in Public Enterprise Management, of 2nd Year of Yearly Private Students in (PA660) . If you want any assistance in the answers of these questions, Please feel free to ask in the comment box for answers.

2067 1 Board plays key role for the success of any enterprise. Which form of Board in important for managing an enterprise in Nepal successfully?

2067 2 Why a developing country like Nepal needs public enterprises? Discuss the relevance of establishing such entities.

2067 3 "Critically examine the approaches to efficiency measurement of public enterprises.


2067 4 Discuss the major challanges of privatization of public enterprises in Nepal.

2067 5 What are the base of classifying public enterprise?

2067 6 "Does PE should make profit? Discuss.


2068 1 Critically examine the overall performance of public enterprise in Nepal.

2068 2 Nepal has adopted privatization policy since early 1990s. Are they able to bring positive impacts? Discuss.

2068 3 How public enterprise maintain public accountability? GIve reasons.

2068 4 Discuss the strengths and weakness of public board.

2068 5 What pricing system to do suggest to adopt for public enterprises in Nepal?

2068 6 What are the strengths and weakness of Operating Contracts from of PEs? Discuss.

2069 1 What are the organisational and management problems of public enterprise in Nepal? What measure would be recommend to overcome such problems? Elucidate.

2069 2 Give an overview of privatization process in Nepal and also highlight on the key issues and challenges of privatization in Nepal.

2069 3 What do you understand by public corporation? State its merits and demerits.

2069 4 What are criteria and approached to efficiency measurement of PEs? Discuss in brief.

2069 5 What is marginal cost pricing? Discuss its implication for PEs.

2069 6 Write short notes on any Two

2069 a Operating Contract.

2069 b Appointment of civil servants on the board of PEs.

2069 c Autonomy vs control.

2070 1 Define public enterprise. Discuss the significance and problems of public enterprises in Nepal.

2070 2 Explain the meaning of Government Company. Discuss the reasons for the which the Government Company being adopted in preference to public corporation.

2070 3 What are the reasons for government control over public enterprise? Discuss briefly the government agencies to control the policy and functional boards in public enterprise.

2070 4 Define 'Governing Board'. Discuss the characteristic feature of the policy and functional boards in public enterprise.

2070 5 Is privatization suitable for Nepal? Explain.

2070 6 Write short notes on any Two

2070 a Fiscal approach to measure efficiency.

2070 b Break even pricing 

2070 c Future of PEs in Nepal.

2071 1 "Give an overall performance of public enterprise (PEs) in Nepal and discuss the organisation and management problems of PEs in Nepal.


2071 2 What are the different form of public enterprise? Bring out the merits of public corporation over departmentally run public enterprise.

2071 3 Describe the rationale of creating public enterprise in a developing corporation over departmentally run public enterprise.

2071 4 "What are the distinguishing factors affecting pricing and profit of public enterprise ? Explain.


2071 5 Give an overview of privatization process in Nepal?

2071 6 Write short notes on any Two

2071 a Marginal Cost Pricing

2071 b Autonomy vs Accountability

2071 c Types of Governing Boards.

2072 1 30s depression is largely responsible for the development of public enterprise. In the light of this statement, discuss the role of public enterprises for the developing countries.

2072 2 Discuss the different approaches to measure efficiency of public enterprises.

2072 3 What is meant by 'departmentally ran public enterprises'? Describe briefly the merits and demerits of departmentally run PE.

2072 4 Give your argument for and against 'Break-even pricing of PEs.

2072 5 Discuss the issues and challanges of privatization in Nepal.

2072 6 Write short notes on any Two

2072 a Operating Contract.

2072 b Parliamentary Control over PEs.

2072 c Civil Servants on the board of PEs.

2073 1 What is public enterprises? Discuss the forms of public enterprises.

2073 2 How executive control on the public enterprises and what are the relationship between the government and a public enterprise.

2073 3 What is efficiency? Discuss the measurement of efficiency in a public enterprise management.

2073 4 What is Government Company? Why Government company is easier to establish then corporation?

2073 5 Why is privatization is important on the trading nature of public enterprises? Discuss the merits and demerits of trading nature PEs privatization.

2073 6 Write short notes on any Two

2073 a Import-paritiy pricing.

2073 b Performance measuring criteria.

2073 c Reasons for privatization.

2074 1 Discuss the cause of increasing public enterprises in developing countries like Nepal?

2074 2 Why the board of directors is the major role of public enterprises management? How can we catagorize the board of directors in a public enterprises.

2074 3 What is meant by statutory corporations or public corporations? Describe the merits and demerits of statutory corporations.

2074 4 What is marginal cost pricing? How is it beneficial for a pricing model in public enterprise.

2074 5 Discuss the illusion of autonomy.

2074 6 Write short notes on any Two

2074 a Government Company.

2074 b Workers participation in management control over PEs.

2074 c Privatization Process

2075 1 What do you understand by Public Enterprises? Explain its significance in the economic development of Nepal?

2075 2 Explain the concept of privatization. Discuss its relavence in Nepal.

2075 3 What do you mean by self-regulatory organization?

2075 4 What is import parity pricing?

2075 5 Discuss the challanges of PEs in Nepal.

2075 6 Write short notes on any Two

2075 a Public Accountability of PEs.

2075 b Government Representation of Governing Board.

2075 c Justification of the emergence of PEs.

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