Questions Asked in 2nd Paper of Joint Secretary (Non-Technical) (Internal Exam) Integrated 2079.08.29 - Subin Acharya

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Questions Asked in 2nd Paper of Joint Secretary (Non-Technical) (Internal Exam) Integrated 2079.08.29

 Paper 2 of Non-Technical Service Internal Exam of Joint Secretary Exam Date: 2079/08/29

Subject: - Public Accountability, Ethics and Professionalism in Public Sector Management

1. The trend of professionalism in public management has been widespread in the last few years. In the government system, the concept of liberalization and the recognition of professionalism are continuing. There are many intellectuals who interpret the incidents or references related to irregularities in the direct and indirect involvement of public managers, including politicians, as the product of poor professionalism of public managers. Non-transparent sale of government assets in the name of privatization, diversion of development aid, irrelevant and unnatural protectionism in the public sector. There is also a lack of class to hold the opinion that the professionalism of public managers is weakening by raising questions about the role performed by public officials, the behavior and working style of public officials in the context of Crony Capitalism, the trend of economic policy and distribution of benefits to benefit the people close to them. no Even in the context of Nepal, the general public's comments on public management and the overall government system seem to be oriented accordingly. The public sector is the aggregate form of union, state and local level structures, manpower and laws. Active public management is an integral mechanism of democracy for sustainable development and good governance. Public management is determined to formulate and implement people-centered policies and programs by providing neutral advice and suggestions to elected political officials. In addition to implementing the strategy of economic growth, the efficiency and effectiveness of the state system is determined by the professionalism and ethics displayed by public management, which is the backbone of the state for the development and operation of a sound and strong social security system focused on the marginalized sections of the society.

Efforts have been made to promote professionalism in Nepal's public management. Loyalty, neutrality, transparency, diligence towards public service and citizens have been accepted as ideals. However, the service users have not been able to experience the public service in a simple, easy and ethical manner. The plans and programs specified by the government have not been implemented in a timely manner. For the past few years, on average, more than 70 percent of the capital expenditure allocated annually has not been spent. It has been many years that Nepal's position in the Governance Perception Index and Corruption Perception Index has been weak compared to other countries. Political transformations and system changes took place. A new and capable generation entered the leadership of public management. However, the expected improvement in the field of professionalism of public management has not been realized. The situation is developing that the public officials are not held accountable when the services that the citizens are required to get are not easily available at the right time or when the policy is not implemented or when the project is not completed on time or when the allocated funds are not achieved. As a result, the annual policy and program budget has not seen a positive effect on public service delivery and development management. Since the credibility of established public bodies is decreasing, the process of developing new public structures is increasing. In this way, even the newly formed organizations cannot be made to demonstrate operational enthusiasm.

Analyzing the above-mentioned facts and practicalities, the current state of professionalism and accountability in Nepal's public management, measures to make public managers morally and legally responsible for promoting professionalism, and formulating original and implementable suggestions with immediate and long-term improvement measures to strengthen the role of political leadership for the protection and development of accountability and professionalism Present with (25)

2. Accountability is the most important issue in a democratic governance system. An effective governance system can be established only if the resources and power of the state can be used in an accountable manner. Accountability is limited governance, achievement of results and confirmation of results as well as accountability to stakeholders. It is the foundation of a representative political system as well as the challenge of accountable management. Accountability patterns and behavior are determined according to the country's governance system and organizational structure. In the modern democratic governance system, the organs of the state must also be accountable for checks and balances. Responsibility should be clear for accountability. Accountability is mentioned in moral, political, administrative, managerial, legal and professional types. In fact, accountability starts with every doer. Therefore, it is imperative that public officials make themselves accountable. If accountability is weak, there is a possibility that the entire state system will be weak.

In Nepal, the executive should be accountable to the federal parliament, while the provincial government should be accountable to the provincial assembly and local level village councils and municipal councils. Similarly, there is a system to ensure that the committees of the Legislature, the Auditor General, the Investigation Commission on Abuse of Authority, the National Natural Resources and Finance Commission and various other constitutional commissions are accountable in their own way. Various legal and institutional arrangements such as village council and municipal assembly committees, Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act, 2064 and International Development Assistance Operational Policy, 2076, Right to Information Act, 2064, Public Procurement Monitoring Office and National Vigilance Center also help in accountability. These institutions have a role.

In spite of the constitutional legal and institutional system of accountability in Nepal, rather than spontaneous accountability being limited to mandatory and formality, the system cannot be established and relatively active at the provincial and local levels, accountability does not get importance in inter-governmental relations, the federalism-friendly accountability system cannot be strengthened, the executive and administrative sector to improve the deficiencies pointed out by the constitutional bodies. Our government system has become affected by problems such as not being active in accordance with the needs, not being able to strengthen the professional accountability system by increasing the professional capacity of the personnel system, not being able to make the technical accountability and procurement system accountable and effective.

Although the accountability system in Nepal is organized legally and institutionally, the reports and studies of various constitutional bodies have shown that the implementation has not been effective. In this context, analyze the problems seen in the accountability system in Nepal and present the reasons for such problems. In addition, what kind of intergovernmental coordination and cooperation is required to implement the suggestions at the necessary levels (union, state and local level) to solve the problems? (25)

3. The present world is progressing with the use of diverse democratic emerging concepts. Representative state mechanism, governance system and administration are such emerging concepts. Representative administration is also indispensable within the representative governance system. The democratic governance system ensures the judicial and meaningful participation of all classes and groups in the state system. Although this is true, due to various reasons, not all class groups are able to benefit from this universal recognition. Only if the state mechanism can address the weaker sections in accordance with this concept, the support of all citizens towards the state will be obtained. Finally, the state machinery becomes inclusive and increases its effectiveness.

If there is inequality and imbalance in access to opportunities, resource facilities, and consumption among different classes and groups in the society, it is likely to sow the seeds of rebellion. Only if this potential difference can be minimized, it will help to make the overall governance system representative. Since the structure of the society is diverse, the social structure of caste, caste, gender, religion, class, economic status, socio-geographical cultural environment, inequality exists in the society. It is necessary to have prudent and respectful management of this unique and inevitable character of a diverse society. Our country has been making various efforts for inclusiveness for several decades. Through these efforts, necessary policy, organizational, operational and legal foundations have been built to enhance the representation of the target class group. The representation of target class groups in the government and overall sector is increasing. The target class groups are becoming aware of their rights. Since inclusive efforts are associated with competition, there has been a feeling of increasing competitiveness within the target group for empowerment. Along with these opportunities, some weaknesses have also been realized in the inclusive process of Nepal. It seems that the elites of the target class group have got an opportunity from the provisions that have come to increase the representation of the target class group. This has resulted in the emergence of a new elite class. Replacing past competition with inclusive competition has increased the possibility of deterioration in quality. Not only has the inclusive concept adopted in the context of the public welfare theory gradually transformed into a rightist concept, but the development of the practice of looking at every subject and context from this perspective has unknowingly introduced a tendency to give more priority to the mathematics of adjustment than the choice of excellence. Along with the emergence of a new elite class, the situation where only one person gets the opportunity at every level means that the special target class has been able to benefit less from it.

A federal system of government is a high-level democratic system of government with the ability to address diversity through the concept of pluralist government. The overall government system and the administrative system as a sub-system within it need to be inclusive and representative. For this, we should promote the positive aspects of the inclusive policy adopted and minimize the weak aspects.

Answer the following questions based on the above paragraph. (7+5+6+7 = 25)

(a) What are the main provisions in Nepal's constitution and existing laws regarding inclusiveness? What is the achievement of the implementation of these arrangements?

b) What are the strengths and weaknesses of inclusive policies?

c) How can productivity increase and social harmony be strengthened through the use of inclusion?

d) What reforms should be done to strengthen the eternal recognition that a qualified person should be able to rule and serve the country by demonstrating competitive ability while maintaining social justice? Also present an action plan with suggestions. 

4. Every public official should have proper coordination and balance of intellectual and emotional intelligence. Both the above-mentioned competencies are considered mandatory for the role and successful performance of the public manager. The effects of long-term internal conflict still persist in society. In our society, which has the characteristics of a post-dual society, there has been discomfort from time to time regarding peace security, development management and service delivery. Administrative officers who have been given the responsibility of maintaining peace and security have found it difficult to maintain peace and security in the district by using administrative laws. In the process of carrying out development activities, issues such as land price, priority of benefits for local citizens and protection of the local environment have created conflict in development. In addition to this, the level of motivation among administrative officials has weakened due to the fear of transfer in administrative officials with the change of government. For some time now, the behavior of political party-affiliated officials and the pressure exerted by the local political leadership on officials involved in public service has created psychological pressure on those officials. As a result, the behavior, working style and productivity of the officials working in the administrative positions, which were accepted as honor and glory in the past, have not been as expected.

Due to increasing unnecessary pressure from the citizens, the practice of managing the public sector by following the rules and systems is diminishing, maintaining competition in service delivery, maintaining speedy service delivery, and keeping talking about the discomfort that will be created in the future due to errors in the process, the compulsion to provide service remains. . In addition to issues related to the work process and the workplace, there is a situation where administrative officers should be concerned about personal improvement and development. Issues such as timely allowance, adequate living facilities, family health and education management are the issues of stress.

Amidst the ongoing tension in the workforce in the field of public management, the pressure to perform excellently remains constant. As a result, due respect is not given to the service users, public service has not become effective, there has been a decline in the efficiency of the employees and the overall public service has not been expanded and there is a lack of quality service.

Answer the following questions focusing on this. (6+6+6+7 = 25)

a) Which side do you think is more responsible for creating the conflict situation seen in the society, personal needs, emotions or the overall situation?

b) What are the elements and their causes that affect the effectiveness of the role and scope of public administration?

c) What kind of emotional intelligence should be used by the administrative leadership to improve overall performance?

d) Identifying the ideal motivator and motivational leadership in the situation of adversity, what other measures should the leadership adopt in addition to their intellectual ability to improve performance?

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