Summary of Education Reform Report of Nepal (Study Year 2075 B.S.) - Subin Acharya

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Summary of Education Reform Report of Nepal (Study Year 2075 B.S.)

Education in Nepal is in the need of policy level reform in order to cope with the need of future.
The Summary of Education Reform Report of Nepal 2075 is presented below for your reference. This will be helpful for aspirants for generating the ideas for suggestions to reform education sector in policy level.

Executive Summary:

By focusing on the constitutional system, the changes in the governance system and the vision of the "prosperous Nepal, happy Nepali" government, through the development of education, economic and social transformation towards socialism and the creation of a democratic, inclusive and egalitarian society, a factual study and analysis of the responsibilities and scope of the federal, provincial and local governments. A 24-member high-level National Education Commission was formed under the chairmanship of Honorable Minister of Education, Science and Technology Girirajmani Pokharel by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal dated 32 Ashad 2075 to present a report with recommendations. Later, by the decision of the commission, the president of the Nepal Teachers' Federation was nominated as an invited member, and it became 25 members.

The main objective of the commission is to analyze the current situation of Nepal and make suggestions regarding the measures to be adopted for the development of education, to guide the education sector with a blueprint for transformation and to provide a basis for the development of a socialist-oriented economy envisioned by the constitution.

2. Study process

During the preparation of the report, the Commission analyzed Nepal's international commitments, sustainable development goals, findings of various researches, reports and statistics of reliable national and international organizations, manifestos of major political parties and the report of the High Level Education Commission 2074. Institutional discussion, site visit, observation, group discussion, personal meeting, e-mail were used with the target group for study and opinion collection. The Commission formed eight different thematic groups, separately or jointly, and held direct meetings and discussions with more than 4,000 education stakeholders, observed on-site studies in educational institutions, interacted and intensively discussed with other related organizations. The received suggestions were integrated and a preliminary draft was prepared and a provincial level suggestion gathering workshop and interaction program was conducted in the presence of local stakeholders to collect more suggestions on the draft. The first draft was prepared by including the suggestions received from there. To discuss the first draft, a National Education Conference was held in Kathmandu on 5th and 6th Paush 2075 under the chief hospitality of Honorable Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. The commission prepared the final report after holding 27 regular and formal and several informal meetings.

3. Outline of the report

Higher National Education Commission- 2075, report

In the report, the vision of education, guiding principles, national objectives of education including access, equity, quality, organizational and managerial aspects, past and present situation analysis, major problems, issues and challenges, recommendations and recommendations for implementation at the level of the government. Roles and responsibilities are mentioned. Policy recommendations and strategic roadmaps are included in the recommendations. Quality in education, curriculum and assessment, teacher management, educational leadership, administrative organization structure of education, inclusiveness, Eastern philosophy and education, education in mother tongue, traditional education system, library management, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, research and development, information in education and The report has been organized into 31 different chapters on the use of communication technology, safe environment and learning, educational institutions run by foreign boards, governance in education, investment in education, etc. The guiding principles and national objectives of education have been presented as a vision of building a developed and prosperous nation through the development of quality education. Likewise, the government's responsibilities, current, mid-term and long-term policies and strategies have been determined. In addition, for the effective implementation of these suggestions, the methods, processes and organizational structures to be adopted by the Union, State and local levels have also been recommended.

4. Current state of education development

Education is the backbone of development. Education is being accepted as an indispensable means for sustainable peace and prosperity of the country through a knowledge-based society. The right to education is guaranteed as a fundamental right in the Constitution of Nepal. In addition, the policy of increasing state investment in education by making education scientific, technical, professional, skill oriented and employment oriented has been adopted. Until now, significant achievements have been achieved in Nepal's education from a quantitative point of view. The number of early childhood development centers is 36568, the number of schools is 35601, campuses including universities providing higher education are 1407, technical schools are 876, institutions providing short-term skill training are 1078, community learning centers are 2151 and more than 7.7 lakh students and about 5 lakh human resources in these institutions. are working. By the end of the financial year 2074/75, the adult literacy rate of the age group of 15 to 60 years has reached 82 percent, while the youth literacy rate of the age group of 15 to 24 years has reached over 90 percent. The number of children enrolled in class 1 with experience of pre-primary education has reached 66.3 percent. The net enrollment rate for classes 1 to 5 is 97.2 percent and the net enrollment rate for classes 1 to 8 is 97.2 percent and reached 92.5 percent. At the secondary level (grades 9-12), only 43.9 percent of children of a certain age group have been enrolled so far. Likewise, the gender equality index is 1:1 at both the school education and higher education levels. It seems that the enrollment rate in higher education has reached about 15 percent.

5. Current issues and challenges

Despite the mentioned achievements, there are many problems in our education system. Without the solution of those problems, socio-economic transformation of the country is not possible. Although satisfactory achievements have been achieved in access, it is still not possible to ensure quality education for all. Ensuring the access of children of special target groups and maintaining the continuity of enrolled students, achieving expected learning achievement is still a problem. It has not been possible to manage teachers in all schools in terms of level, sector and subject. It has not been possible to develop technical education as the main stream of education and provide skilled and competent manpower in the world of work. It has not been possible to increase the number of passers in the specified academic year in higher education. The produced manpower has not been able to get jobs according to their qualifications. It has not been possible to establish good governance in all levels and areas of education in a way that the common citizens can guarantee. A clear basis for investment in public and private education and proper management of such educational institutions remains to be done. Issues such as the migration of young and talented citizens are becoming more complicated and are the main problems of education.

In the context of the change in the government structure of the country and the responsibility of school education being under the local government, the main challenge is to increase the attraction towards public education including ensuring the accessibility, equity and quality of school education, and implementing free and compulsory education as a fundamental right, and transforming it qualitatively into public education. In addition to this, matching and redistributing teacher posts in proportion to the number of students, enhancing educational governance and accountability, ensuring an attractive and fearless learning environment with physical infrastructure in all types of educational institutions, necessary for the availability of physical infrastructure and technical manpower for the development of technical and professional education and training. Managing the available resources is also a challenge. To make the manpower produced by the university equal and competitive at the international level, to expand the opportunities for technical higher education and to bring new thinking and innovation to promote the economy based on knowledge and technology, to enhance good governance, responsibility and participation in the education sector, to create opportunities for talented youth to serve in the country And producing competent manpower who can take advantage of the various opportunities brought by information and communication technology are the major challenges of today's education.

6. Possibilities and opportunities

Establishing education as a fundamental right and guaranteeing administrative autonomy to the local government with rights and responsibilities is the constitutional basis to create an opportunity to improve the quality of education by increasing participation and access, increase in literacy rate, net enrollment rate at the school level and gender equality index reaching the same rate, Enhancing inclusive participation in education;

Increasing interest and public expectations towards public schools are opportunities. There is an opportunity to improve the delivery of educational services by making the management of education effective by developing the capacity of the government at all three levels. Through the expansion of technical education, by creating employment opportunities in the country itself, creating an environment that can contribute to the economic development of the country and to bring back the young manpower who migrated abroad in search of employment, to create a quality educational environment and develop higher education based on research and research, to provide Nepal with higher education in various subjects. Preparing an environment where a study center can be built is one of the major opportunities in this area.

7. Vision and National Objectives of Education

The vision of Nepal's education has been set to achieve equitable prosperity of the nation through the development of education


"The direction of building a civilized, advanced, healthy manpower with social justice! Quality education for the all-round development of individuals and social economic transformation!"

In order to achieve this vision, the education system of Nepal will be reflected in the following policy arrangements: 1. Quality public education will be guaranteed for all. There will be no need to choose educational institutions for quality education. Physical infrastructure and learning environment will be developed in all levels and types of educational institutions.

2. Due to economic, social, cultural and political reasons of the country, no child will have to drop out of school. All children in Nepal will complete their schooling.

3. Professionally skilled, self-motivated and responsive teachers will be available in all educational institutions . The teaching profession will be established as a highly respected profession in the society. Talented people with high qualifications and skills will be attracted to the teaching profession. The selection of teachers will be done on the basis of merit and ability in a fair manner.

4. Every student will have the opportunity to reveal and develop their abilities and talents, be self-reliant, motivated towards learning and involved in knowledge creation. They will be committed to human values, aware of duties and rights, critical awareness, community-oriented, prudent and ethical.

5. Based on population, geography and community needs, educational institutions and skill and technology development centers will be established and operated. All educational institutions will be developed as effective learning centers with the provision of necessary infrastructure.

6. Learning opportunities will be ensured for students with all kinds of disabilities, special needs and those with weak learning ability due to various reasons. Special and inclusive education will be arranged according to the type of disability.

7. Education up to secondary level will be free and compulsory. Every student who has passed the school level will be a manpower with life-useful, employable skills who have revealed their abilities and talents.

8. University level education that can create knowledge, employable technical and vocational education and opportunity for skill development will be ensured. There will be an arrangement to take employment and study together. Higher education students will be able to study and research in accordance with national and international requirements, be able to use cutting-edge technology, contribute to sustainable development and have acquired the skills to work together in a group.

9. Coordination and harmony will be maintained between the community and the school and a vibrant relationship will be established. There will be active participation and involvement of the community in the learning process of the students. As a learning center, the school will search for the knowledge and skills of the local people and integrate them with modern knowledge and skills.

10. Equivalency, mobility and permeability of qualifications will be ensured by establishing interrelationships between formal, non-formal and informal education.

11. An education system based on the format of national qualifications will be developed. The door will be opened to enter technical education from general education and technical education from general education by classifying the qualifications according to level. For people who are not included in the formal education system, there will be arrangements to transfer credits according to the qualification format so that their experience based on traditional skills and knowledge can come to the mainstream of education.

12. Every educational institution will be developed as a virtual learning center. Creation of knowledge

And the latest technology will be used in extension and teaching learning.

13. Through vocational and technical education and skill training, youth and adults will be transformed into skilled and productive manpower and will be able to compete at the national and international level.

14. To ensure educational quality, educational quality standards and criteria will be prepared and used based on national and international experience and practice. Competitive quality multi-textbook policy will be implemented for quality teaching and learning. The examination system will be organized as a reliable tool to test knowledge and skills as well as expected behavioral changes.

15. Universities and higher educational institutions will be developed as excellent academic centers that can develop high-level human resources in line with national needs and international development.

16. The education system based on local needs will be given priority in order to address regional diversity in accordance with the federal structure of the country. Besides being the basis of economic and social transformation, the education system will be capable of producing positive thinking, patriotism and global brotherhood, self-reliant, healthy and happy citizens. National Objectives of Education

1. Revealing inherent qualities, abilities and talents in a person, physical, mental, spiritual,

To support the overall development of a person by enhancing social, emotional and intellectual dimensions.

2. To promote in every person loyalty to the nation and nationality, commitment to the sovereignty of the country, national unity and integrity, conduct in accordance with the values of equality, inclusiveness and social justice, the values of the federal democratic republic, awareness of their civil rights and duties.

3. To develop human qualities such as good character, morality, self-discipline, fairness, positive thinking, tolerance, empathy, virtue, self-control, patience, perseverance, sense of responsibility, sense of service, sense of fraternity, healthy life and commitment to lifestyle.

4. Believing in work, productive, creative, enterprising, skilled, and job-oriented people

To contribute to achieving the economic-social and sustainable development goals taken by the country by developing resources and making the country a balanced and prosperous nation.

5. Every person should have a scientific approach, critical thinking, etc. To compete nationally and internationally as a well-educated manpower such as cooperation skills, social and cultural skills, by enhancing the ability to communicate in multiple languages and use the latest technology, as well as the ability to solve problems, communicate in multiple languages and use the latest technology. to enable

6. To promote the knowledge of world civilization and culture by arousing the spirit of studying, pondering and thinking about Nepal's original philosophy, culture, language, literature, art, history, lifestyle, ideals and characteristics as well as being active towards their protection, promotion and expansion.

7. To create a strong foundation of education and motivate people to engage in lifelong learning

To make it possible to continuously update the knowledge and skills necessary in life.

8. To develop peace, tolerance and understanding in the society with respect and equality among different communities, cultures and languages by making every person aware of Nepal's geographical, cultural, religious, ethnic and linguistic diversity.

9. To make each person participate in the development of a sustainable society by protecting, enriching and efficient use of natural resources and environment, identifying, reducing and managing disasters and being aware of the impact their lifestyle and behavior can have on nature and the community.

8. Recommendations

Overall, this report has directed the education system of Nepal to be run by one method. It has clarified the role of federal, provincial and local government for implementation along with the theoretical approach of education. The school management committee has been suggested to create an academic environment and arrange the principal as a leader to give academic results. It has been suggested to make private investment educational institutions service-oriented and bring all the schools run under private, cooperative and co-operatives under the same framework. It is suggested to determine the area of service delivery through adjustment and mapping of schools and higher education institutions. This has highlighted the possibility that the problem of lack of subject teachers and the matching of teachers can be solved. It is recommended to increase the minimum qualification of all the manpower working in education.

Bringing conceptual clarity about child development and education, provision of skilled teachers, provision of nutritious food, learning environment and keeping children free from textbooks, improving the teaching method for the improvement of basic education and making it child-friendly, changing the examination system, providing compulsory and free education for all There are recommendations for improving basic education such as ensuring the enrollment and continuity of the target group, arranging for skilled subject and class teachers, teaching in mother tongue and multilingual and arranging for a separate coordinator for the primary level under the secondary school. . Mandatory provision of subject teachers at the secondary level, ensuring minimum infrastructure including information technology classes, making students creative, critical, and researchers, adopting effective teaching methods and evaluation methods, leveling schools by creating quality education indicators, good leadership of the principal, effective role of the management committee in school management and Suggestions such as active contribution to the education sector of the community have been presented

Considering higher education as the basis of the country's prosperity, with the possibility of making Nepal a center of higher education studies, university management autonomy for reform, universities free from party politics, compliance with the standards of affiliation and regulation, merit-based selection system for officials, foreign university affiliation standards, multicultural university, research and development Emphasis, on the basis of projections, manpower production and permeability in all subject areas and completion of higher education level from 6 months to 1 year.

The report also suggested to conduct development services. Policies and methods have been suggested to select qualified and capable people for leadership in the university through competition.

Expansion of technical and vocational education and training opportunities, practical skill development training, expansion of technical education to keep pace with national needs and labor market demands, establishment of research and innovation-oriented multi-technical schools at the provincial level, development of national vocational qualification format, unified technical and vocational education and training law, manpower For development, recommendations such as expansion of technical education training, establishment of integrated federal technical education fund, mobility and permeability, certification of skills, development of youth targeted skill development programs have been made.

In order to improve the quality of education, the arrangement of skilled teachers, the curriculum that increases creativity and curiosity, the development of self-discovery, diversity in teaching methods, curriculum-based teaching methods, making the curriculum useful for life, skill-oriented and practical, the federal government has created the core curriculum and the provincial and local levels have made electives and local Creating a curriculum, making continuous assessment mandatory as an integral part of teaching and learning and establishing a teaching council to improve the quality of learning has been prioritized.

Accountability for building managerial capacity in the education sector, high There are suggestions for education management, including the proposal of the Higher Education Policy Council, the proposal of a new structure and leadership, the arrangement of the Board of Trustees for effective management at the university level, and the selection of higher education executive positions through open competition.

Creating a group of subject experts for monitoring, evaluation, supervision and nurturing, creating a network of subject teachers, making education at all levels technology-friendly, making additional and cooperative activities mandatory, emphasizing multiculturalism, studying and researching ancient and traditional education, rising from the terror of disasters and studying in closeness with nature. Things like creating an environment, explaining the importance of the interrelation between life and the world, preparing a suitable learning environment for women, persons with disabilities, Dalits, tribes and all kinds of diverse students have been suggested.

Including science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects at all levels, including life-use skills in general education and work ethics and aesthetics in technical education, expanding lifelong, alternative, open and informal education by building and promoting institutions and structures that provide such education to all citizens Policies, strategies and structures necessary to create a continuous learning environment have been suggested. It is recommended to update knowledge in the changing context, expand the library, technology-friendly library, connect lifelong learning with learning centers with emphasis on electronic classrooms and promote open learning.

10. The mother tongue can be arranged as a medium language, both Nepali and English as subjects from class 1-3 and all other subjects in the mother tongue, adopting a multilingual teaching method based on the mother tongue in the multilingual community and using the mother tongue as a language, as a subject, and as a medium, To establish a National Quality Testing and Accreditation Authority for educational quality testing, to legally organize the transfer of teachers to maintain good governance in education, to free educational institutions from all kinds of political interference, to develop universities as centers of excellence, to operate, regulate and regulate educational consultancy providers based on standards. Recommendations have been made to manage, establish higher academic research centers, establish an academic council at every local level.

9. Roadmap to Transformation

It has become inevitable to develop a new education system that is compatible with the federal structure for the constitutional provisions and economic and social transformation towards socialism. By making education competitive, technology-friendly, employment-oriented and production-oriented, there is a need for an overall policy change of education in line with the restructuring of the state in order to ensure good governance in the overall education system by maintaining a balance between national needs and manpower supply. Sustainable development, high and broad economic growth, development of a balanced and strong economy, production-oriented, job-promoting, self-sufficient, advanced nation, education is a means, the main basis. It is through education that the development of disciplined, loyal to the nation and nationality, honest and self-reliant citizens is possible. Only through that, the country will move forward on the path of prosperity. With the conclusion that radical change in education is necessary for this, the roadmap of transformation is presented as follows:

1. To improve the quality of education, to increase the minimum qualification of teachers working at all levels. The qualification of child development center teachers should be made to pass class 12 or equivalent and make arrangements for passing graduation level. The minimum qualification for basic level teachers is graduation and post graduation for secondary level teachers. To make the remuneration, service, conditions and facilities of child development teachers the same as other teachers employed by the Government of Nepal according to the same qualifications.

2. To implement the constitutional provision of making basic education free. Under free education, make arrangements not to charge admission fees, study fees, examination fees, textbook fees and any other formal and informal fees. Stationary, mid-day meal and uniform will also be provided free of charge.

3. Bringing all the schools run by companies, cooperatives, guthis etc. apart from public schools within a decade under one common framework. At present, private investment schools under the Companies Act are non-profit making as transitional management.

4. Transforming into a non-profitable social institution

5. Implement effective monitoring and regulation system.

6. In the context of the constitution, basic education is compulsory, compulsory education should be understood as compulsory enrollment, regular attendance, continuity in studies and compulsory learning achievement. Accordingly, by the year 2030, secondary education should also be made compulsory for all.

7. In order to establish access to technical education, to arrange streams of general education and technical and vocational education from class nine and to adopt a policy of getting admission from one stream to another stream based on certain criteria.

8. Make a legal arrangement that everyone who enjoys salary benefits from government funds should educate their children in public schools.

9. All high Sh Formulate the National Higher Education Act to standardize educational institutions, bring uniformity in operation and management. Establishing a National Research Fund to make higher education research oriented and to inspire teachers and students in research. To arrange a single university service commission for the transitional management of the selection of manpower working in higher education. To arrange for an independent quality assessment and accreditation authority to determine and accredit the quality of higher education and to develop an automatic system based on certain criteria to accredit the quality.

Restructuring of Tribhuwan University into  into different universities based on the geographical and subject specificities and make arrangements for them to remain within the service area of the federal government or the state government as needed with academic autonomy. Making universities research-oriented, giving more emphasis on science and technology and research and innovation, and making a world-class university by 2030.

10. To arrange a board of trustees for running the university. The chairman of the board will be a person from the academic field. To select the chancellor of the university through open competition on the basis of selection criteria such as work plan proposal, merit, contribution made in the field of academic and science technology and research, specific work experience, management efficiency. Conducting National Eligibility Test for people who want to teach and research in higher education. 10. By changing the structure of the faculty of pedagogy under the university, arranging for three types of education and teaching programs: Academic Course, Pedagogical Course and Professional Development Course. Making Pedagogical Course mandatory for joining the teaching profession.

11. In order to attract talented and capable people to the teaching profession, to provide opportunities for those who have achieved high positions in university education to directly enter the teaching profession. To renew the teaching license of teachers in the teaching profession every 5 years. To form an autonomous Teaching Council for the work of teaching license.

12. Arranging the required number of subject teachers in every school in proportion to the number of students within the next 5 years. Arranging at least one staff member in all schools and school assistants, school assistants, sports and co-curricular teachers/staff as needed.

13. For the regulation and facilitation of schools like Gurukul, Gumba / Gonpa and Madrasa, forming an integrated education ward with representation from all. Formation of Gurukul Gumba/Gonpa and Madrasa Education Committee at the local level as well.

14. National Qualification Framework has been prepared at the federal level

Establishing an arrangement for certification of self-acquired knowledge and skills obtained from informal education on the basis of dual entry system between formal and informal education system, making arrangements for the ability to move from technical to general and from general to technical as well as recognition or equivalency of the same level of formal degree on the basis of skill testing and certification to provide To test and accredit all types of skills based on the national professional qualification format.

15. According to the national qualification format, according to the student's ability and desire, they can go to study in any faculty or subject (such as from humanities to nursing) by completing the conditions to be fulfilled for studying in a new subject or program or by completing a certain preparatory course or bridge course.

16. Transfer credit from one university to another and from one subject to another to make arrangements for transfer, to arrange for students studying at the undergraduate or postgraduate level to go to the community for social services for six months to one year.

17. Integrate investments for the development of technical and vocational education and training establishing a CTEVT fund at the federal level, arranging for all foreign aid to be mobilized through the same fund, making arrangements for investments at the provincial and local levels to flow through the same fund.

18. As the academic leadership of the school, Prof. Developing it as a separate position and the autonomy of the entire academic management Q. A. give to The Teachers Service Commission will take leadership test from among the teachers with at least 5 years of teaching experience and make arrangements to recommend them to P.A.

19. In order to provide quality educational services, with the exception of schools in mountainous and difficult hilly areas, the ratio of teachers to students should be maintained at 1:20 in elementary child development, 1:30 at the basic level, and 1:40 at the secondary level. Matching school teacher posts. 20. According to the Act on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2074), managing physical, educational and other materials according to the physical and intellectual abilities of children with ten types of disabilities.

21. All three tiers of government (federal, provincial and local) to allocate at least 20 to 25% of their total budget and at least 6% of their total budget to the education sector. To arrange that all three levels of government will be responsible for the management of financial resources necessary for the development of education.

22. To make Nepal an excellent place for higher education studies in South Asia by establishing and developing an excellent international level research center focusing on specific features of Nepal such as high mountain ecological system and water resources. Making such subjects the identity of the nation.

23. Establishment of model multi-technical schools in all seven provinces, establishment of national manpower development, research and entrepreneurship development center to prepare technical manpower. To address local needs and sustain production at all local levels, promote local skills, labor, capital and technology, increase employment and self-employment opportunities and establish at least one skill development center to support economic growth.

24. To systematically strengthen community-based learning, establish community learning centers in every ward under every local government, conduct digital literacy and basic information technology education programs through informal means. Strengthening community learning centers (community libraries, information centers and learning centers) to make them centers for lifelong learning, continuous education and skill development.

10. Conclusion

Since the government has accepted the need for change in the education sector and submitted a report with recommendations, the commission is confident that the recommendations will be implemented by searching for the opportunities and possibilities pointed out by the commission. The Commission is confident that the implementation of the recommendations and transformation roadmaps for the achievement of national goals by focusing on the vision of education will lead to a pioneering leap in the education sector of Nepal and establish a new educational system. The commission earnestly appeals to the federal government, the seven provincial governments, all local governments, associations concerned with education, civil society, academicians, academics, academics, academics and officials of the educational administrative structure for the implementation of the subjects recommended in the report.

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