TU LLB (3 Year Course) 1st Year (Old Course) and Jurisprudence (Law 321) Old Questions Collection Asked. (2066 -2071, 2075,2076) - Subin Acharya

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TU LLB (3 Year Course) 1st Year (Old Course) and Jurisprudence (Law 321) Old Questions Collection Asked. (2066 -2071, 2075,2076)

These are the subjects to be read in TU LLB 1st Year (3 Year Course). I think this is based on old syllabus and new 3 year course has been revised. So please prepare for your exam effectively. 

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Jurisprudence (321) 100 35

Procedural Law (322) 100 35

Constitutional Law (323) 100 35

Comparative Law and Nepalese Legal System (324) 100 35

Law of Contract (325) 50 18

Administrative Law (328) 50 18

Fiscal law (330) 50 18

Here is the list of questions asked from 2066 to 2079 of Jurisprudence (321) 

2066 1 What do you mean by Sociological School of Jurisprudence? Discuss. Briefly state and evaluate the contributions of Roscoe Pound under the Sociological School of Jurisprudence.

2066 2 What is Feminist Jurisprudence? Discuss. Where does Feminist Jurisprudence stand in the legal scenario of Nepal? Examine.

2066 3 Define Legislation and show the role and importance of legislation as a source of law with special reference of Nepal?

2066 4 Define Legal Rights and Explain the same in a wider use of the term with special reference to scheme contemplated by Hopfeld.

2066 5 What are the various theories of corporate personality? Discuss them briefly.

2066 6 Define Possession and Ownership one by one and show the chief difference between the two.

2066 7 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2066 a Importance of the Study of Jurisprudence

2066 b Distributive Justice

2066 c The nature of Obligations

2066 d The Ratio Decedendi

2066 e Natural Person

2067 1 What is Historical School of Jurisprudence? Discuss. Explain and evaluate the contributions of Savigny and Henry Maine and evaluate the contributions of Savigny and Henry Maine under this school of Jurisprudence.

2067 2 What is post modernism in legal theory? Discuss and show the post modern concept of law with special reference to Nepal.

2067 3 What do you mean by Custom and what are its various kinds? Show the role of custom as a source of law with special reference to Nepal.

2067 4 What is the basic legal concept of Property and what are its various kinds? Discuss.

2067 5 Define Ownership and discuss its subject matters in brief.

2067 6 What do you mean by person? Explain. How is natural person distinct from a legal person? Discuss.

2067 7 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2067 a Strict Liability

2067 b Possessory Remedies

2067 c Corrective Justice

2067 d Positive and Negative Rights

2067 e General and Particular Jurisprudence

2068 1 What do you mean by the Analytical School of Jurisprudence? Discuss the contributions of Austin under the Analytical School of Jurisprudence? Evaluate.

2068 2 What is Critical Legal Studies? Explain. Do you think that CLS is contradictory to liberalism and formalism? Examine.

2068 3 Define Precedent and show the importance of precedent as a source of law with special reference to Nepal.

2068 4 Do you think that the concept of justice is complex? Give your reasons. How is corrective justice distinct from distributive justice? Explain.

2068 5 Define Legal Rights and describe the various kinds of legal rights.

2068 6 Clarify the meaning of Person and show the legal status of dead person and unborn person in Nepal.

2068 7 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2068 a Rule of Law

2068 b Absolute and Limited Ownership

2068 c Importance of Property

2068 d Criminal Liability

2068 e Constituent Elements of Possession

2070 1 Define Jurisprudence and discuss its scope and importance in the study of laws.

2070 2 What is Realist Approach to Law? Show the contributions of Holmes under this approach to Law.

2070 3 Explain the role and importance of Custom as a source of Law with a special reference to Nepal.

2070 4 How is the concept of Justice related to Rule of Law? Differentiate between distributive justice and corrective justice. Discuss.

2070 5 What are the basic differences between natural person and legal person? Show the legal status of unborn persons in Nepal.

2070 6 Explain the meaning and importance of property and discuss its various kinds.

2070 7 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2070 a Possessory Remedies

2070 b Vested and Contingent Ownership

2070 c Criminal Liability

2070 d Rights in Rem and Rights in Personam

2070 e Post modernism

2071 1 What is Sociological School of Jurisprudence? How is this school different from sociological school of Jurisprudence? Discuss.

2071 2 Explain the nature and importance of precedent as a source of law and discuss its kinds.

2071 3 Do you agree with the notion that justice is a dynamic concept? Give your arguement. How is criminal justice distinct from civil justice?

2071 4 Expalin the meaning of personality and discuss the various theories of corporate personality.

2071 5 What do you mean by ownership? How is ownership different from possession? Discuss.

2071 6 Explain Legal Rights. Differentiate between Perfect and Imperfect Rights, and Positive and Negative Rights.

2071 7 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2071 a Feminist Jurisprudence

2071 b Importance of Property

2071 c Criminal Liability

2071 d Rule of Law

2071 e Scope of Jurisprudence

2075 1 Discuss the importance of Jurisprudence in the study of law and society.

2075 2 What does american realist approach to jurisprudence infer? Discuss. What are the contributions of Hol,es under this approach to jurisprudence?

2075 3 Why is legislation called as the most importance source of law in the modern welfare state? Discuss. Differentiate between supreme legislation and sub ordinate legislation.

2075 4 Define justice and differentiate between distributive justice and corrective justice.

2075 5 Do you think rights and duties are correlated? Discuss.

2075 6 Discuss the various theories of corporate personality.

2075 7 What is ownership? What are its kinds? Discuss.

2075 8 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2075 a Obligation

2075 b Animus possidendi

2075 c Legal status of dead person

2075 d Feminist Jurisprudence

2075 e Stare decisis

2076 1 Define Jurisprudence. What do you know about realist school of jurisprudence? Explain.

2076 2 Who is a person? What do you mean by legal and natural person? Explain.

2076 3 Define law. Explain the functions and source of law in brief.

2076 4 Define justice. What are the various kinds of justice? Explain.

2076 5 "Possession is prima facie of ownership". Explain.

2076 6 What do you mean by obligation? Distinguish between obligation and liability

2076 7 What do you mean by school of jurisprudence? Which school of jurisprudence is applied in the court proceedings of Nepal? Give your opinion.

2076 8 Write short notes on any three of the followings:

2076 a Stare decisis

2076 b Vested and Contingent Ownership

2076 c Post modernism

2076 d Law is a means of exploitation

2076 e Rights in Rem and Rights in Personam

Sample Question Paper with Marks Allocation

Answer Any Five Questions. Jurisprudence 321 (2075)

  1. Discuss the importance of jurisprudence in the study of law and society. (20 Marks)
  2. What does the American Realist approach to jurisprudence infer? Discuss. What are the contributions of Holmes under this approach to Jurisprudence? (20 Marks)
  3. Why is legislation called as the most important source of law in the modern welfare state? Discuss differentiate between supreme legislation and sub ordinate legislation. (20 Marks)
  4.  Define justice and differentiate between Distributive justice and Corrective Justice. (20 Marks)
  5. Do you think that Rights and Duties are correlated? Discuss. (20 Marks)
  6. Discuss the various theories of corporate personality. (20 Marks)
  7. What is ownership? What are its various kinds? Discuss. (20 Marks)
  8. Write short notes on any THREE of the followings. (6.66 Marks Each * 3 Questions = 20 Marks)

a.       Obligation

b.       Animus possidendi

c.       Legal status of dead person

d.       Feminist Jurisprudence

e.       Stare decisis

Question Asked in 2080.06.05 LLB 1st Year New Course

Question Asked in 2080.06.05 LLB 1st Year Old Course

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